The Answers Are In the Quiet

My clarity has always come in the quiet.

It was nine years ago, in November 2013, when I was trying to figure out what was next for me. Driving home in a quiet car, I asked myself four questions. The answers led me to create Crumbine Education Consulting, my first foray into coaching and entrepreneurship.

It was four years ago, in November 2019, that I was trying to figure out how to turn down a promotion from my job for a promotion in my life. I stood in a quiet room, dry-erase markers in hand, and again, asked myself, “Aisha, what do you want?” After spending several hours over three days, what I sketched out on that dry-erase board would pave the way for me to upgrade my whole life.

Those two experiences taught me two of my most important beliefs:

  • Belief 1: I can create what's next.

  • Belief 2: I already have the answers. I just need quiet to hear them.

Because I believe that, when I feel stuck or uncertain, I step into the quiet.

I go for a walk.

I get in the car–no radio, no podcast, just quiet.

And I consult the one person who knows what I should do: me.

I ask myself questions, respond out loud, take note of when and where I feel tension, and then I get curious. And when the aha comes–I step back and say, "that's it."

I call this the Quiet Consultation Process (QCP).

The QCP is rooted in my belief that each of us was designed with our own code, an internal operating system of sorts, and when we operate according to that code, we function at our highest. We make decisions that fit us, allowing us to exist at ease and with peace.

So when I say "consultation," I mean we are going to our manual to see what feels aligned for us.

When we go through the Quiet Consultation Process, we step away from all of the noise around us, we step away from everyone else's inputs, demands, beliefs, and opinions about what is right/wrong/important/not important, and we tune in to ourselves.

We step away to hear the sound of our own voice, what our heart wants, and allow our desires to breathe in possibility.

You have the answers.

You have the answers.

Get in the quiet.

Clarity awaits.

You, Unleashed! the retreat

Come create an expansive vision for your life, join me at You, Unleashed!

The Unleashed Living Community is an intimate group coaching program for those who want to be intentional about their personal development as they walk into the next phase of their life.

If you want dedicated time and space for your quiet...

If you want to put time with you on your calendar…

If you want the clarity to create what’s next…

Join me.

For three days at a luxurious retreat where you’ll be held. You’ll reconnect with, listen to, and grow you.

For six months of dedicated you time in a community of others who are rooting for you and holding you to being the person you mean to be.

For coaching that will help you see yourself clearly, and powerfully.

The investment for the all-inclusive retreat, six months of coaching, and community is $10k.

If quiet, encouragement, and support as you evolve are exactly what you’ve been looking for, grab some on my calendar so we can talk it through.

Rooting for you always,


Ready to create more time, space, ease, and abundance in your life? Take the Unleashed Living Scorecard, and find out where to start.

Aisha Crumbine is a life and leadership coach who works with individuals and organizations–helping them maximize their impact by focusing on their personal development.

Certified Life Coach (iPEC) | Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator |International Keynote Speaker


Go Together.


Going ‘All-In’ with a $21,000 Myself