Become the daring leader you mean to be
Dare to Lead™ Leadership Training based on the research and New York Times bestselling book by Brené Brown
“Courage is the minimum viable product in culture.” –Brené Brown
We’ve heard the quote “culture eats strategy for breakfast,” and we know that people perform better where they feel seen, heard, and valued–and safe enough to take risks required for deep, meaningful work.
So how do we create such safe spaces?
How do we create a culture where people aren’t weighed down by the need to be perfect or afraid of failure?
How do we create a culture where people believe and are empowered by the belief that getting it wrong is the first step to getting it right?
How do we create a community where radical candor is embraced, risk-taking and innovation are valued, and people truly come first?
We focus on creating a culture of courage and giving our people the skills to be the brave leaders they want to be.
The people on your team are leaders. Empower them to be braver.
Brave leaders…
lead with empathy and connection
acknowledge their limitations, ask for and accept help
take smart risks that lead to learning and innovation
reset quickly after disappointments/setbacks
are self-aware
have courageous conversations
hold themselves and others accountable by giving and receiving clear feedback
build, honor, and maintain trust
Rumbling with Vulnerability: Facing risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure with courage and clarity
Living into our Values: Identifying, operationalizing, and practicing the beliefs we hold most important
BRAVING Trust: Creating or deepening connections in relationships and teams based on the seven elements of trust
Learning to Rise: Learning and growing from the failures, setbacks, and disappointments that are inevitable when we are brave with our lives
Dare to Lead™ Training Program
The Dare to Lead™ training is a 24-hour leadership development program comprised of interactive presentations, self-reflection, and discussions to help participants develop courage-building skills.
Participant Takeaways
Stronger sense of self-awareness
Clarity around their personal values and how to use them to make aligned decisions
Increased emotional awareness
Understanding vulnerability is essential to building courage
Shared language and framework for how to approach/navigate uncomfortable conversations
Increased awareness of the seven attributes of trust and how to strengthen trust in teams
Strategies to help them navigate their fear of failure and ask for help
Ability to recognize armoring behaviors in themselves and have a process for addressing those behaviors with self-compassion
A connection-building framework for strategic decision-making, onboarding, and communications
A proven process to help them bounce back from setbacks
How to be kinder to themselves through the learning/risk-taking process
Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston and four-time New York Times best-selling author, spent years researching leadership and organizational culture. The most significant finding from her latest research is that by focusing on four skills, the courage we need to become those daring leaders is teachable. The four skills are:
How do we become braver leaders? We learn.
Ways We Can Work Together
Dare to Lead™ for Teams
With Dare to Lead for Teams, learn how to build trust, define and live into your values, communicate with clarity, and create a space that’s safe to grow, innovate and make a real impact. Full 24-hour curriculum delivered in-person or virtual.
Dare to Lead™ Keynote
Want to introduce the concept of daring leadership to your organization? Hosting an event and want a speaker who can make vulnerability and courage real and relevant? A 60-90 minute Dare to Lead Keynote is the perfect way to begin the journey towards brave leadership. Keynotes are 60-90 minutes and can be done virtually or in-person.
Dare to Lead™ Workshops
Facing a particular challenge you believe Dare to Lead can help you solve? We’ll work together to tailor an engaging and interactive workshop to give your people the skills to navigate their way through with courage. Workshops run 2-3 hours and can be delivered virtually or in-person.
The first sign of transformation is shared language.
If you want to invest your broader team in creating a culture of courage, you have to help them understand what it is, why it matters, and how it can make their lives better. With Dare to Lead™, I help people understand that to be more fulfilled and impactful in our work, we must start with courage.
Let’s discuss how we can work together to create a culture of courage with your team.
Once you submit the form, you’ll be redirected to a page where you can schedule a Dare to Lead™ discovery conversation.
“A leader is anyone at any level who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential.” - Brené Brown
Additional Resources
Hi, I’m Aisha–
I believe the truest act of leadership is knowing who we are and using our strengths to create spaces where others are courageous and confident enough to do the same.
In my 20 years of experience in education, I’ve been a teacher and/or administrator in every type of school: public, charter, and private. In every one of those places, kids, teachers, administrators and parents alike wanted one thing most of all: to be seen and valued.
If you want to foster a culture of courage that enables your people to do their best work, you’re in the right place.
Dare to Lead™ for Educators
Why courage matters in education…
If we are committed to our schools being at the forefront of innovation, leading the way in academia and embracing belonging as the highest form of diversity and inclusion, we must take off the armor and lead with vulnerability and courage.