Going ‘All-In’ with a $21,000 Investment...in Myself

A few months back, I decided to go all-in on my desire to be a keynote speaker.

I’d taken an inventory of my gifts, noting when and where I felt most “in flow.”

On stage.

When I was in 5th grade, my teacher gave me a speech by Sojourner Truth to do for the history fair. He could see it in me.

In 8th grade, after spending my share of time in the assistant principal’s office, she asked me to speak at the new student orientation.

In 10th grade, the drama teacher at my new school sent people to my locker to recruit me to competitive drama after seeing me in class.

In 12th grade, that same drama teacher signed me up to compete in the oratory category, where you write your own speech and compete with it. Except he didn’t tell me until we were on the way to the tournament. “I figured you’d make something up and probably qualify for state.”

He was right. I did.

I was the commencement speaker at my college graduation.

My mom loves a mic.

My dad was a gifted, heart-led Christian who spoke in juvenile detention facilities and prisons.

Speaking is a part of my ministry.

Speaking is one of the ways I share my gift.

Of this, I am 100% certain.

When I decided to go all-in on speaking, I knew that decision would require an investment on my part.

An investment of belief

An investment of my time

An investment in my growth

So I joined the National Speaker Association. If I was going to be a speaker, I needed to be and surround myself with people who were making a living as speakers. You see, there’s a free group, and then there’s a members-only group.

The free group is for people who are dabbling in speaking and not yet ready to invest in themselves as a speaker.

The members-only group is for paid speakers, the ones who are committed enough to invest in themselves and to be in the room. In this room, I can connect with people who’ve been speaking for decades and who share their wisdom freely. I can connect with fellow newbies who’ve just started speaking, ask insightful questions, brainstorm with me, and share their learnings as they go.

That’s how I found my coach. He was in the group, and people raved about their work with him.

You must put yourself on the path if you’re going to meet your helpers.

So when I needed someone to put together my highlight reel, I reached out.

What I thought would be a small project turned into magic.

When I got on the phone with Chris, we just talked.

It wasn’t a sales call.

We just talked like two thoughtful human beings who are on their personal journey.

It was the connection that sold me.

I knew I wanted to be in his energy.

I knew I wanted to have him walk alongside me as I journeyed into this next phase.

I knew I wanted to be in his circle of speakers because if his energy attracted me, I couldn’t imagine the energy of his coaching circle.

Before he told me the investment, I was in.

It didn’t matter that we wouldn’t start our work together for another 4 months.

I didn’t know all of the details of our work together.

I mean, he showed me a loose overview, but it wasn’t a song and dance with details and bullets and and and…

Because I didn’t need that.

His energy was enough.

So when he sent me a short email inviting me to the retreat that he hosts for his clients, it was an obvious ‘yes.’

I whipped out my card and registered.

Now you might be thinking that $21,000 is a lot of money.

It is.

But I’m not paying Chris.

I’m investing in myself as a speaker.

I’m investing in my belief in myself as a speaker.

I’m investing to be in the room with other people who care so much about their craft and their gift that they are willing to invest in themselves as the stewards of those gifts.

I’m investing in my growth by getting time with a shepherd I trust.

I know that these investments, this $21,000+, will earn me ten times that in speaking engagements.

I am not paying Chris.

I am making a down payment on my future.

As I prepare to walk into 2023, I am focusing on three things:

  • Being on stages (big ones)

  • Writing my first book (doing this one a bit scared)

  • Curating my Unleashed Living community (retreat with 6 months of group coaching) with ease

That’s where I’m spending my energy.

That’s where I’m investing.

These 3 things only.

As you prepare to walk into 2023, I invite you to think about where you’d like to go all in.

  • Take inventory of your gifts. What natural gifts have you had all along that you want to go all in on?

  • What investments will you make in yourself to get there?

  • What things will you have to change? In your belief? In where you spend your time and energy? In where you spend your money? In your inner circle?

  • What support will you need?

As you think about what it would look like for you to go all in on YOU, I invite you to think of any investments you make as a down payment on the future you want–as a seed you are planting for a future harvest.

If you’d like me to walk alongside you if you'd like to explore being a part of the Unleashed Living community, grab some time on my calendar so we can see if we are a good fit for each other.

If you’ve made it this far, you might just be my people. 😉

Rooting for you always,


Ready to create more time, space, ease, and abundance in your life? Take the Unleashed Living Scorecard, and find out where to start.

Aisha Crumbine is a life and leadership coach who works with individuals and organizations–helping them maximize their impact by focusing on their personal development.

Certified Life Coach (iPEC) | Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator |International Keynote Speaker


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