I’m Moving.

The seed to live abroad was planted years ago.

Ten years ago to be exact.

When I started my first business, Crumbine Education Consulting, back in 2013, I wrote in a notebook, “I want to make enough money with my business to take the month of July off to go and live like a local in some place I’ve never been.”

I wanted to show my kids that the world was big.

I wanted them to play streetball with kids who didn’t speak the same language, so they could see that no matter where we are or what we look like, we are all the same. I wanted them to know that the world was bigger than the States and that where we live is just a tiny blip in the vastness of the world.

And now, 10 years later, my family is making preparations to move to Lisbon in October.

The seed that was planted a decade ago, has grown into a fruit-bearing tree.

But that seed didn’t mature on its own.

It took nurturing, watering, and repotting when it grew too big for its existing environment.

There were seasons when it looked like nothing was happening, and others when I thought surely I’d killed this seed, ruining any possibility of a harvest.

And yet.

Whew, goodness.

And yet.

Here we are.
Here I am.

A Black woman.
The oldest daughter of a hairstylist and a postal worker.
The first in my family to have multiple degrees.
The cycle breaker.
The breadwinner.

I’ve spent the last four years telling anyone who would listen that we can indeed create the lives we want, that our desires are our roadmap to the joy, fulfillment, impact, the life we seek—the life we are meant to live.

This move…
The evolution of my business from education consulting to business coaching, to life/leadership coaching…
The way I parent…
The way I partner…
Is proof.

My life is proof.

Good God, we can have all that we want.

But it will require work on our part.

We have to first believe in the unseen.
We have to plant the seed.
Water it.
Feed it.
Prune it.
Protect it.
Pull the weeds around it.

And wait.
And wait.
And wait.

And that’s the hard part—the emotional and mental work of stretching, of growing yourself, of holding fast to the belief that at some moment, when the time is right, from that little seed will come something bigger.

Going through that process is how we become the people who get what we want.

So my question to you is: What seeds are you planting?

Or better yet…
What harvest do you want to reap?
What do you want your life to look like?
And how can you plant seeds for that life right now, today? ​

For my business owners and my coaches, those who’ve planted the seed and want to sustain and enjoy themselves as they navigate their next evolution, I’d like to invite you to join me for The Garden Club Retreat*, a mastermind exclusively for coaches and business owners who are ready to make sustainability and joy a part of their practice.

This retreat will take place January 4-9 in Portugal.

This experience is less about coaching and more about pouring into ourselves the way we've poured into our business, while also indulging in our harvest (read: having boatloads of fun 💃🏾).

The details for this retreat are still in the works, but if you’ve been looking for a group of diverse, real, badass women who are focused on hustling less and living more, and if Portugal sounds like a dream, join us.

​*Note: This retreat is exclusively for coaches and business owners.

And for those who want to know more about my move, I’m working on a fun little FAQ to share later.

For now, rest and be kind to yourself. You are your most important thing.

Rooting for us all always,

Ready to create more time, space, ease, and abundance in your life? Take the Unleashed Living Scorecard, and find out where to start.

Aisha Crumbine is a certified life and leadership coach who works with individuals and organizations–helping them hustle less and live well.

Certified Life Coach (iPEC) | Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator |International Keynote Speaker


But what about joy…


Don’t be afraid to break.