Unleashed Living

Let’s make 2022 the year your get back to you.


The Retreat: When you need a hard reset.

Sunday, January 9 - Wednesday

You’ve been so busy doing for others, you feel like you’ve lost sight of who you want to be for yourself. You’re craving quiet, time, and space so you can rest, reconnect with yourself, and redefine and recommit to your priorities. You’re ready to get back to you.

 Do less. Be more.

You just want to feel less busy, less overwhelmed, less on the edge of always being on the edge. If only you had more space, maybe you could feel more in control, more anchored, more alive, more like yourself again.

It’s time to live the life you want to live. I want to help you do it.

The Virtual Back to Me Retreat Experience – Restoration. Rejuvenation. Clarity.

April 2022

Between work, parenting, managing family dynamics, and spousing/dating, stealing time for ourselves can feel impossible. But here’s the hard truth, no one is ever going to give us time. We have to create and take time, and as hard as it is, we have to be courageous and trust that things will not fall apart when we do. When we step away and take time for ourselves, it gives us the space to shed the weight and responsibility of doing for others, so we have time to reconnect with ourselves and be reminded of who we are and all that makes us powerfully beautiful.

The Virtual Back to Me Retreat will take place and is designed to help you turn down the noise, tune into yourself, get clear on what you really want out of life, and have practical steps to help you create space for yourself when you return home. And as a bonus, you’ll be a part of community of like-minded people who’ll support and root for you along the way.

  • Three days. Three hours. By participating in this virtual retreat, you are gifting yourself an hour for reflection, growth and time singularly focused on you–for three consecutive days.

  • Clarifying experiences: This isn’t a retreat where you’ll listen to me talk the whole time. This time is about you. You’ll spend some time journal writing, some time in quiet, so you can listen to yourself, and sessions based on Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead™ program

  • Rejuvenating experiences: spa, exercise, fellowship w/the community of like-minded people

 The Virtual Back to Me Retreat Experience

The priority is to provide guided reflections and learning balanced with open time and space for you to do what fuels you.

Here is a sample of how we might spend our time together.

8:30a – 12:00 Morning Sessions

12:00p Lunch & Free Time

4:00p – Afternoon Session
6:30p – Dinner
8:00p – Evening Reflection & Starlight Chat

Sessions include:

  • Intention Setting

  • Dare to Live: The Life We Want Defined

  • The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Letting Go of What Gets In the Way

  • Gifted: Understanding Our Values, Strengths and Life Experiences as Gifts

  • A Way Forward: Your Plan to Continue Back to Me at Home


Interested in Getting Back to You?

The next Back to Me Retreat will be April 2022. Complete the form below to be notified when registration opens.


Give Yourself Permission to Say ‘Yes’

  • Maybe you’re thinking your children won’t make it without you…

  • Maybe you’re worried about taking 3 days off from work…

  • Maybe you’re thinking you can’t justify the cost…

What if the best way to take care of your kids, the way to be better at your job, and the way to attract more abundance into your life…is to say ‘yes’ to yourself first?

When we take better care of ourselves, we love, give and live better.


Unleashed Living: Personal Leadership Coaching

Personal leadership coaching is about helping you be the leader of your life, so you can be a better parent, a better partner, and/or a better boss. When you become a better you, everyone you love benefits–including you.

You’ve spent your life doing all the things you were supposed to, and by all accounts, you’re succeeding. But something feels off. You can’t shake this feeling that there’s something more for you to do, something more impactful, more fulfilling, more you. Deep down, you know it’s time to make a change, but how? Where do you start? And how do you get past the voices in your head that make you feel bad for wanting more?

This what Unleashed Living: Personal Leadership Coaching is all about.

We work together to help you have the clarity, courage, and direction to live the life you want


  • Define what an abundant, unleashed life looks like for you

  • Understand the stories you are telling yourself

  • Let go of what’s holding you back


  • Name your values, strengths and life experiences that lay the foundation for courage

  • Understand how to connect with your emotions

  • Develop habits of mind to support your growth


  • Make sure you are climbing the right ladder, taking actions that align with the you you mean to be

  • Stay accountable to yourself

As someone pursuing Unleashed Living…

  • You create time and space to engage in (2) 60-minute virtual coaching sessions and (1) optional 30-minute check-in

  • You develop your own leadership practice where you

    • reflect on your personal vision, values and goals through journaling

    • name and get curious about your beliefs, your thoughts and your emotions

    • name the area(s) you’d like to feel more

    • give yourself permission to evolve


As your coach, my job is to hold space and ask questions that help you tune out the noise and tune into yourself, so you can see that you have everything you need to live the unleashed life you want.

 Interested in Unleashed Living | Personal Leadership Coaching?

"A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential."

Brené Brown

Start the week anchored, focused and ready to get more for yourself.

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     Need a weekly reminder to take a moment to yourself? Join my Sundays Are For Self email list.

    We don’t wait until the pantry is empty to go to the grocery store, so why wait until we’re fully depleted to take time for ourselves? In my weekly Sundays Are for Self email, I share affirmations and practices to help you start the week anchored and full, focused and ready to get more for yourself.