Made for More…

Whether you’re looking for more at home or at work, I’m here to help you find the clarity, courage, and direction you need to live a more fulfilled, unleashed life.

You’ve checked all of the boxes and done all of the right things and yet

Something feels off. Instead of feeling accomplished, you feel like something is missing. Scattered. Like you’ve spent so much time doing and being what others expected that you never took the time to define life for yourself.

More and more you’ve been wondering…Is this it?

What you really want is the freedom, fulfillment, joy, and impact that comes from being fully you


you want clarity

You want to know who you are and what you bring to this world. To be so clear about your gifts and your values that you can say ‘yes’ to what lights you up, and you can say ‘no’ and let go of what doesn’t.

you want confidence

You want to feel confident that who you are is more than enough. To feel safe, secure and loved within yourself, that you no longer burn yourself out to prove your worth. You want to wholeheartedly believe that you matter in this moment and the next.

you want courage

You want to be brave with your life. To welcome failure and mistake-making as evidence of and essential to your growth. To love yourself so deeply that you accept yourself while giving yourself permission and space to evolve.

You just want to be you. I want that for you too.


It’s time to tune out the noise, tune into yourself, and get clear on what you really want out of life.

More for yourself.

You just want to feel less busy, less overwhelmed, less on the edge of always being on the edge. If only you had more space, maybe you could feel more in control, more anchored, more alive, more like yourself again. I want to help you live the life you want.

More at work.

As a facilitator certified in Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead™ framework, I help leaders foster a culture of innovation and increase the effectiveness of their people on their campus or at the district level by developing the 4 skill sets of courage.