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But what about joy…

It’s funny how we’ve reduced this magical experience of living down to work and achieving. 

From the moment we are kids, we’re encouraged to do well in school, so we can get a good job. 

Then we start work, only to begin our ascent to the corner office, spending countless hours and untold amounts of mental and emotional energy, leaving us too spent for much else. 

And maybe somewhere in there, we squeeze in time for love, a partner, a family with children we want to give every advantage, so we become strivers at home too. Looking for the best schools, filling schedules with activities, and padding the resume early, so our children will have a head start on the striver’s journey. 

We become a family of strivers, constantly climbing the never-ending ladder, spending all of our time and energy centering work, missing out on the most precious (and by precious, I mean most important, most rare, most valuable) part of life—living. 

We were not fearfully and wonderfully made in all of our uniqueness, our lives masterfully curated, selected for this moment and time for us to distill our lives down to work. 

We are meant to live, to delight in ourselves, in life. To make a meaningful difference with our lives…

And yes, that can happen through our job, but let’s not be mistaken, our job is not all of who we are. 

I want to live my life, to actively and intentionally pursue living—to try new things, not as a means to an end, but for the experience, for the fun, for the joy.

I do not want to arrive at the end of my life having worked myself to death without having lived. 

I do not want that for myself or for my children. 

So what if we took work out of the center and replaced it with ourselves?

Instead of focusing all of our energy, time, and resources on striving for success, what if we redirected our resources to living?

How much more room would we have for the things that matter to us? How much more joy could we have? What if, by putting ourselves in the center, we create space for joy and love and connection to exist? What if that’s the key to impact with ease and enjoyment?

What if the desire for joy is actually an invitation to live, to create a vision for your life that includes you?

Aisha Crumbine

Ready to create more time, space, ease, and abundance in your life? Take the Unleashed Living Scorecard, and find out where to start.

Want to make an impact without the hustle? In 90 seconds you can discover your achiever type and find out if the thing that's driven you to success could also be the thing keeping you from the next level.